WEB API for obtaining statistical data
Request URL
Content-type: "application/json" –to receive in JSON format
Format data
Name of MA – "Name": "Solandr".
Multiplicator – "Multiplier": 1.0.
Manager's nickname – "Nickname": "Solandr".
Manager's funds – "Ku": 10544.495575113284.
Investor's funds – "Ki": 21125.002717564414.
Overall geometric return of the investor – "TotalInvestorProfitWithReinvest":0.052344202995300293.
Overall arithmetic gain of the investor – "TotalInvestorProfitWoReinvest":0.052316081059254976.
Average weekly geometric return of the investor – "InvestorAvgWeeklyProfitWithReinvest":0.0011896409771659157.
Maximum drawdown – "MaxDrawdown":0.036263544112443924.
Maximum drawdown per week – "SlLevel":10.0.
Manager's reward – "PerformanceFee":20.0.
Minimum MAM investment – "MinInvestAmount":25000.0.
a(prof/max(DD)) – "AProfMaxDd":2.4141502231829071.
Account age – "AgeDays":300.0.
Creation date – "CreatedDate":"2016-02-29T00:00:00".
Monitoring link – "MonitoringUrls": [
"Key": "Solandr",
"Value": "https://www.myfxbook.com/members/IceFXMarkets/Solandr/1528570"
Weekly gains – "WeeklyGain": [
Time": 1455408000,
"Gain": 0.0,
"InvestorGain": 0.0
Type of Rating (1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 9-Archive) – "RatingType": 1.
Is account included to Portfolio – "IsIndex": false.
Number of open trades – "TradesOpenedCount": 0.
Portfolio Structure – "IndexStructure": [ "Polar", "Nero", "FTD", "Solandr", "Faust" ]
SubID is a tool that allows you to add a unique parameter to the referral link for dividing traffic into streams and further analyzing each of them. With this tool you can generate up to 10 referral (partner) links with different SubID-tags.
SubID is an important tool for tracking conversions and improving the efficiency of using a referral link.
Who needs SubID?
In case a partner uses several traffic channels, he/she needs to see separate statistics. This requires a functionality that generates the link with a unique label for each traffic source. In fact, SubID is analogue to UTM-tags.
Affiliate Link with SubID
SubID 1
for the source 1
SubID 2
for the source 2
SubID 10
for the source 10
Selective statistics allows you to make the necessary analysis on a separate source of traffic and adjust the activities for each of them. For example, exclude one of the sources used and adjust the parameters used on the other.
How to use SubID from ICE Markets?
ICE Markets partner can create up to 10 referral links with a unique SubID tag at the end of the link.
2Create SubID link

3Place link

4View and analyze statistics for each SubID link

Thus, ICE Markets partner can correctly evaluate his/her performance with each source of traffic individually, conduct a profound analysis and maximize his/her performance.
MarkUP accounts are accounts with increased commission charges, due to which a partner will receive a higher referral fee. These accounts are required in cases when a partner provides exclusive support or additional services to its referrals. For example, conducts personal training, offers Expert Advisors and so on.
1Possible options of the multiplier of the MarkUP-account and commission size Commission size

2Example of calculating partner reward
If the partner’s reward is 50% of the referral trading lot, then the partner will receive reward from the normal referral trading account, for example, for 1 lot of ERUSD:
100,000 (lot size in the base currency) * 0.00005 (trading account commission) * 1.13 (current exchange rate of the currency pair) * 0.5 (partner reward) = $2.82
If the referral is trading on a Mark-UP account with an x5 multiplier, then the partner will receive a reward of:
100,000 (lot size in the base currency) * 0.00025 (commission of the MarkUP-account x5) * 1.13 (current exchange rate of the currency pair) * 0.5 (partner reward) = $14.12
You can order an individual production of any promotional materials you may need. To do this, contact us in any convenient way for you.