
+44 20 8089 7867
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Live Chat
Use this address if you are not yet a client of ICE-FX Markets Limited.
Chat opening hours
Mon-Fri, 24 hours a day
Sat-Sun, 08:00-23:00 EET
Telephone hours
daily, 08:00-22:00 EET

Schedule of work and contacts of departments:

Trade Operations department
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri, 24 hours a day
Legal department
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri, 08:00-22:00 EET
Financial department
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri, 09:00-17:00 EET
Working with managers
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri, 10:00-22:00 EET
Working with VIP clients
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri, 08:00-22:00 EET
Partnership department
Opening hours:
Mon-Fri, 08:00-22:00 EET

BTC cryptocurrency now available

Recently we notified you about the newly added option to deposit and withdraw funds using the USDT cryptocurrency.

Dear clients!
Recently we notified you about the newly added option to deposit and withdraw funds using the USDT cryptocurrency. Today we are pleased to announce that we have added Bitcoin (BTC) as an available option for deposits and withdrawals.

Current commission fees and limits are specified on the page "Deposit and Withdrawal". Please, note that we fully refund deposit commission fees to all clients.

Do you want us to connect a new payment system convenient for you? Please let us know by getting in touch.