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Changes in iPro, iComposite and iMinor Indexes composition. Liquidation of the iSelect Index.

The company informs that on January 6, 2019 the composition of the iPro, iComposite, iMinor Indexes will be changed. Also on January 6, 2019, the iSelect Index will be liquidated.

Dear Clients!
The company informs that on January 6, 2019 the composition of the iPro, iComposite and iMinor Indexes will be changed. Also on January 6, 2019, the iSelect Index will be liquidated.

Below you can see the new composition of Indexes.

Current set New set
25% 25%
25% 25%
25% 25%
25% 25%
Current set New set
13% 13%
12% 12%
12% 12%
13% 13%
12% 12%
13% 13%
12% 12%
13% 13%
Current set New set
25% 25%
25% 25%
25% 25%
25% 25%